Peru Balsam
Pure Peru Balsam therapeutic essential oil, also known as Balsam of Peru
Botanical name : Myroxylon balsamum var. pereirae
Extraction method / Source : Steam Distillation / Tree resin
Aroma : Deep, tenacious, sweet, earthy
Note : Base Odor Intensity :
Key constituents :
Plant description : Botanical family : Fabaceae The tree is native to tropical forests from Southern Mexico through the Amazon regions of Peru and Brazil. It is large and slow growing, reaching 150 feet in height. It produces dense, dark green leaves and white flowers which develop into stiff brown pods. The tree trunk is yellow and intensely aromatic.
Regions of Production : El Salvador
Growing Practices : Trees indigenous to the area grow in the wild, away from chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The resin is obtained by using rags to soak it up after strips of bark have been removed from the trunk of the tree. The rags are then boiled and the balsam sinks in the water.
Properties : Antiseptic, coagulant, promotes wound healing.
Characteristics : A thick, sticky, aromatic dark-brown fluid.
Uses / Benefits : has been used in the treatment of dry socket in dentistry. 5 - 20% is recommended in preparations to treat for wounds and burns. It has also been used in making suppositories for hemorrhoids. Often added as a base note in natural perfume making.
Modes of Administration : Topical : massage, compress, skin and wound care. Inhalation: direct inhalation, diffuser, oil vaporizer, aromatherapy inhaler.
Fragrant influences: Uplifting
Safety : May cause skin sensitivity and allergic reactions. For safety, do a patch test before using. Do not ingest Peru Balsam.
Blends well with : Black Pepper, Ginger, Jasmine, Lavender, Patchouli, Petitgrain, Rose, Sandalwood, and Ylang Ylang.
History / Fun Facts : Central and South American natives used Peru Balsam to stop bleeding and promote wound healing, and to expel worms.
TIMELESS Essential Oils - Authentic Aromatherapy Source : We guarantee the purity and quality of all our therapeutic oils. Current Certificate of Analysis is available upon request. All essential oils are best stored in an airtight container away from heat and light.
References :
Althea Press, Essential Oils : Natural Remedies, 2015. Althea Press, Berkeley, CA.
Battaglia, Salvatore, The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy, Second Edition, 2003. The International Centre of Holistic Aromatherapy, Brisbane, Australia.
Cooksley, Valerie Gennari, Aromatherapy: Soothing Remedies to Restore, Rejuvenate, and Heal, 2002. Prentice Hall Press, New York, NY.
Cooksley, Valerie Gennari, Aromatherapy : A Holistic Guide to Natural Healing with Essential Oils, 2015. Floramed Publishing, The Woodlands, TX.
International Fragrance Research Association, (January 5, 2016).
Review of Natural Products. Facts & Comparisons [database online]. St. Louis, MO: Wolters Kluwer Health Inc; November 2012.
Tisserand, Robert and Young, Rodney, Essential Oil Safety, 2nd edition, 2014. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, New York, NY.
United States Food and Drug Administration, HHS, 182.1 Substances That Are Generally Recognized as Safe, 182.20 Essential oils, Oleoresins (solvent-free), and natural extractives (including distillates), (January 28, 2016).
Worwood, Valerie Ann, The Complete Book of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy, 1991. New World Library, Novato, CA.
Notice : This information is for educational purposes only. It has not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease, and should not take the place of evaluation by a qualified health professional. Although we strive to provide information which is accurate and up to date, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this information.
Precautions : Pure essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts. Do not use them undiluted, or in the eyes or mucus membranes. If applying an essential oil to the skin, always dilute it with a proper carrier oil and test on a small patch of skin before applying to a large area. Do not take them internally except under the direction of a qualified professional trained in Aromatherapy. Always familiarize yourself with the safety, contraindications and proper preparation of each essential oil before use. Note that when using essential oils for children and the elderly, very low concentrations should be used. Keep all essential oils away from children and pets.